Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Russians and France, vol. 5,678

There's more news on the Russian-French front...this is a Franco-Russian connection I'm not sure I knew about. You can have a piece of the action for a cool couple Ks.


german said...

i see it makes so much more sense now why bismark was concerned over a russian france alliance. he knew and had spies telling him all the actions of the union.

moville said...

true, but here's the big question: are you going to put up the $$$ to nail down one of those letters? for the ole historical memorabilia collection?

german said...

i would pass on it since they aren't on my list of people i would want to own a piece of history from

moville said...

I'd definitely go for one of them if i had disposable cash. on the other hand, who would I show them to, without having to explain chapter and verse about russian history? i'm sure everyone around here would be underwhelmed.

german said...

i don't know about that, having something from one of the last few czars would be impressive. it would make a nice donation too when that time came.