Thursday, March 1, 2007

Whatever you do, don't mince words, Your Eminence!

Via tomorrow's London Times, without comment:

An arch-conservative cardinal chosen by the Pope to deliver this year’s Lenten meditations to the Vatican hierarchy has caused consternation by giving warning of an Antichrist who is “a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist”.

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, 78, who retired as Archbishop of Bologna three years ago, quoted Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), the Russian philosopher and mystic, as predicting that the Antichrist “will convoke an ecumenical council and seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions”.

The “masses” would follow the Antichrist, “with the exception of small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants” who would fight to prevent the watering down and ultimate destruction of the faith, he said.


german said...

well those german popes do know how to get people to cut right to the chase. Bold and controversial to the end.

buckarooskidoo said...

I'd say this cardinal is going to play the role of khrushchev in the never know what he will say, but it will come out via a blunderbuss or shotgun, with pellets flying all over the place.