Monday, January 22, 2007

First, the bad news

I just heard on the NPR program "Day-to-Day" that today, January 22, 2007, is the most depressing day of the year, because of the dispiriting weather, your allegedly flagging New Year's resolutions(you skipped the gym this morning, didn't you?)and hefty credit card bills coming due. That's the bad news. When you've recovered from the abysmal depression that has just hit, you can take heart that the most INSPIRING day, the best day of the year is projected for June 22, 2007, a Friday. So snap out of it! You've only got half a year to go Before the Bliss!!

A psychologist from the University of Cardiff, Wales, assures us that this is all true. I always believe everything I hear from the Welsh, because they don't.


Anonymous said...

And here I thought it was just the invasion of the pro-lifers into town year after year about this time.

jodmeister said...

Ooooohhhhh, I wanna see this dude's clinical notes. My psycological clock tells me that pretty much any day in February is the worst day of the year. I'm so glad it's a short month!

jodmeister said...

oops, can't spell. Let's try psychological clock.