Saturday, February 3, 2007

HCTV week

This week's highlights, from PBS to TCM, if you've got it:

The PBS series "American Experience" looks at American efforts to develop germ warfare in "The Living Weapon," Monday evening at 9. Part II of the PBS "biography" of the US Supreme Court airs at 9 pm Wednesday. That's a great series, because it combines perspective from historians with commentary from current Supremes' Chief Justice John Roberts. He's turned out to be a very accessible fellow, in contrast to his predecessor and some of his colleagues.

If you've got Turner Classic Movies, look for the classic "Battle of Algiers" at 7 pm Sunday-- cinema verite, with the French battling a Muslim insurgency in Algeria in the l950s and making liberal use of torture. "The Shop on Main Street," one of the classics of Czech postwar cinema, follows at l0.

Happy viewing!

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