Thursday, January 25, 2007


Remember how Seinfeld was a show about nothing? Well, today's posts are Seinfeldian in nature--basically about nothing. But there IS an entry in the "no vivid phrases, please" competition for today, courtesy of a resident of Cork City, Ireland. BBC readers were asked to comment on their favorite, and sometimes least favorite, city or cities. Jim delivered himself of this:

"I must speak up for London on the grounds of history and architecture alone plus the best underground system. Yes it's got too much traffic but that's improved. The most dis-improved capital is Dublin which is quickly turning from a quaint and lovely Georgian town into a huge grasping vomit dressed hen party centre...not the worst but certainly heading that way. The worst ? Cardiff, dour, grey dirty and with no redeeming features apart from not being Swansea which is the cess pit of Europe."

um, i don't think he cares for his capital...maybe that's just southern Irish pride talking, but there's a lot of hostility there!

Can you top this? What is your favorite, or least favorite city?


german said...

well not being a great tavelor of the world much less the states. i would have to say kennewick wa. sometimes i wonder if they have a plan to make the city a working cities that one can navigate. it was poorly incorpoated and has no sense of direction much less history of what it is or where it will go. i doubt any codes are in place except to build and they will come and some one will fill in the old empty place like old is 10yrs. some place you need to know if you are city or county because the city is a hodge podge of city and county islands inside its boundaries. needless to say a bureacarcy is in place to make one wonder for decades

buckarooskidoo said...

hey, that sounds suspiciously like Moscow-Russia, that is!

jodmeister said...

Well, I haven't travelled enough to name cities, although I love Victoria, B.C. Plenty o' resturants and shopping is mostly in one place. And, of course, Butchart Gardens. Gorgeous, especially at Christmas time. I love Virginia Beach because of the whole boardwalk/beach vibe. That is a far cry from what we west coasters are use to.

My favorite corner of the world is Orcas Island, Washington. I grew up in the woods and I love the ocean. Orcas combines both in one place. Plus the view off Mt. Constitution, the highest point in the San Juans, is breathtaking.

My least favorite corner of the world is north-central and eastern Montana. Hotter than hades in the summer and arctic cold in the winter and brown all the time. Yuck!

I'm not too fond of the city I live in either. It is not cosmopolitian enough for me.